The PIPPLET Test Flex is an internationally recognized language test.

PIPPLET is a subsidiary of ETS Global, the world market leader in language testing, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.

The PIPPLET test is a 30-minute language test, which is assessed online.

PIPPLET is an internationally recognized certification that you can take online.

The technical settings are required on your computer to meet the conditions for taking the certification.

  • The test is taken online.
  • You can take the test on your own computer at home.
  • Test duration: 30 minutes
  • Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Mandarin, Polish, Swedish (and many more languages)
  • CEFR Level: from A1 to C2
  • Results: 24 hours after taking the test.

Technical requirements​

All candidates must check and are responsible for ensuring that the requirements below are met.

  • Computer with the latest update of Chrome or Firefox
  • A headset with a working microphone or a computer with a working microphone and speakers.
  • Reliable internet connection
  • How to enter accents and special characters in the Pipplet test


Albanian | Arabic (Modern Standard) | Basque | Brazilian Portuguese | Bulgarian | Cantonese | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | English (UK-USA- Canada – Australia) | Estonian | Finnish | French ( France- Canada) | German | Greek (Modern) | Hebrew | Hindi | Hungarian | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latvian | Lithuanian | Luxembourgish | Malay | Mandarin ( Simplified) | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish | Swedish | Thai | Turkish | Ukrainian | Vietnamese

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